Current News and Latest Updates

Wednesday - 12/28/04
Website test.

Saturday - 2/14/04
Happy Valentine's Day!  Added an upcoming car show in San Antonio, and put two video links to Ryan's Blazer.  Might be switching webhost providers in the near future, increasing our storage capacity for more videos if any member's would like to introduce them.

Sunday - 12/14/03
Added the Lowrider Magazine Super Show to the event's section including about a dozen pics as well.  Fun show overall, gotta love the bikini contest.  It's been tough trying to keep in contact with Street Image, as I try to reorganize my life.  Way too many options and choices are being presented to me, it's getting to be real tough finding time for everything I want to do.  Hence my lack of updates and why my ride is still parked in a garage, yearning for my attention.

Sunday - 09/28/03
It's been awhile since any major update has come along, hence the large gap in this section.  Removed several member profiles, re-arranged some info in several.  Not as major as I had hoped it to be, we're working on getting some more pictures of the new members up soon.  We have some pics of the San Antonio LRM show held this month, as soon as I get alittle bit more info it will be posted in our events section.

Wednesday - 11/13/02
Congratulations to Street Image as we celebrate 11 years of being strong since the day we began!  We recently held our Anniversary gathering this past weekend, and I've added a new entry to our event's section providing over 40 pictures of what took place.  Go ahead and check it out, we hope you can join us the next time we throw a party!

Sunday - 09/22/02
Finally got the few pics of the San Antonio LRM show up in the events section and added some more pictures to Jeremy's member section.  The San Antontio show was great, I'm still tired from doing Jeremy's hydraulic installation, but hopefully I can get some more stuff done to this website.  Congrats to Jeremy for getting second in Mild Street Mini SUV and to Mark and Amy for winning the Dayton Giveaway contest (get me some rims!)

Saturday - 08/24/02
Took some pictures this past weekend of some members from the Seguin chapter and did a complete makeover of the website structure (although you won't even notice the changes and their importance.)  I was kind of disappointed with the photoshoot as some important people didn't show up... again, so don't expect to see them on the site anytime soon.  Anyway, hopefully within the next few weeks the site will be broken down into the many chapters we currently have right now, so until then, please enjoy some of the pictures we have now.

Tuesday - 06/04/02
Haven't had much time to update the site, but after a few questions I changed the menu, the Contact Us button to be exact, to switch to a page instead of just an e-mail.  There you can find some important e-mail addresses and a handy map to show you how to get to our meeting place or "hangout".  We're also adding a new section to feature ladies and viewer's rides, so send us a pic of your crazy ride or that bikini flashin' lady to   Please send all images in .jpg format and with information about the person/vehicle if applicable.  All images will be reviewed before posting.  Thanks!

Tuesday - 04/16/02
Finally got some pictures taken of a few members who showed up this past weekend for a photo shoot, you can see them in our Member's Section.  We still have a few who don't have pictures, and some who haven't even been added to the list.  Sounds like another topic to bring up at next weekend's meeting.  I've also added some upcoming car shows, both in and out of state, so you might wanna check those out as well.

Monday - 03/05/02
Fixed the gallery section so that the images show up in the same window instead of opening a new window.  Haven't added any pictures yet, hopefully this weekend we can take some of all the new members.

Friday - 02/15/02
I've wanted to add this section for awhile now, just haven't had the time.  I know it sucks when you visit a website and you don't know what's been changed and whats still the same, or when new or exciting things have been added, and whats been updated or modified, so hopefully this will help eliminate that situation.